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I am a public librarian in Massachusetts and an avid meditator, writer, photographer – mostly on Sri Chinmoy Centre websites. As a librarian and bibliophile, I especially resonate with the written word.

In my professional capacity, I worked for 13 years in Technical Services (Acquisitions/Cataloging), for the 13 years as a Reference Librarian, Passport Agent and Webmaster, and starting in 2020 as the Branch Librarian at the new North Branch newly constructed in North Dartmouth, MA.

I began studying meditation as Sri Chinmoy’s student in 1985 and my spiritual strivings and creative expression are primarily a spirit of delight in the supernal beauty of God. I often find an act of centering prayer in artistic expression, especially when harmonising with Nature. In 2010, I reached a turning point in which more than half of my life has now been consciously in the context of spiritual seeking.

I am happiest when the writing of prose and poetry or the taking of photographs leads me to a hushed place of kneeling in awe of a universe of oneness much vaster than myself. I live and work in adjoining New England states, both located near the Atlantic Ocean’s coast. As a transplanted New Englander, I find that living near the sea nourishes me deeply and sparks creativity on many levels.