A kind woman named Dawn Emsellem who lives in Portsmouth, Rhode Island created a wind phone on the edge of her property which abuts a land trust with walking trails. What is a wind phone? It is a phone booth with a disconnected rotary phone and a book to write messages of remembrance in for people to speak to their deceased dear ones and let the wind carry the messages to the beyond.
I read about it on the Channel 10 local TV news channel’s website and visited it with a close friend who lost both her mother and a cousin within this past year. As for myself, I recently lost a former roommate who died quite unexpectedly at the age of only 55 from a heart attack that struck with no warning signs.
It is along a very beautiful road with stunning old trees arched over the road and while there I saw a bunny rabbit and a flock of birds all along a fence down towards the trails.
The idea of a wind phone came originally from Japan and I feel so lucky to learn of this one here in Rhode Island and that I live near enough to visit it almost as soon as it was created.
Here is a poem I wrote about my impressions:
Goosefields Windphone
The cry of the geese
the tears bittersweet
the wind carries
your whispers
to your loved ones’ feet
Dial direct – dial within
the windphone to the other side
Ultimately always with us
find the sandbar
above your grief tide.
-poem by Sharani
That night when I slept, I dreamt of my paternal grandmother who passed away 30 years. I didn’t converse with her on the wind phone, focusing more on those more recently departed. I haven’t dreamt of her in a very long time and I feel she is using a wind phone of dreams to say why didn’t you talk to me? I loved her very much and feel the synchronicity of this dream is telling me the wind phone is real, real indeed.