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All Consuming

Over at the blog The Cool Librarian, I saw the widget for the first time from the All Consuming site affiliated with 43 Things. All Consuming solves the unresolved issue for me related to LibraryThing, in which I would rather show what books I am currently reading instead of the ones I own and in most cases have already read. Since I work in a library, almost everything I’m reading is also a borrowed library book so it doesn’t really qualify as an item to catalog in my personal library at LibraryThing.

The All Consuming site is pretty fun. It allows you to share books, movies, music and food – yes even food! that you are either currently consuming, have already consumed or are intending to consume. People ask questions about what they should read next, rate what they read and create favorite lists. You can upload photos for items missing one and add entries for something not already in there. I already uploaded an album cover for Ferron’s Impressionistic CD which is a nice greatest hits retrospective collection of her music.

43 Things‘ purpose is to inspire you to set goals and get ideas from what other people are entering there as well. Since I like to meditate, reading entries related to the meditation tag already found me referring someone to a homestudy class in meditation available on the Sri Chinmoy Centre website. Once you set a goal, you can also prompt a message to you at some future point in time to remind you of your intentions.

So that’s the background on my new “I am consuming” widget in my sidebar. Maybe my next post will mention more about the two spiritual books I’m currently reading “A Sacrifice of Praise” and “Wisdom Walk.” Until then, what are you consuming as we speak? Hope you’re enjoying it!